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John DaCruz

(413) 589-9498

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Commercial tenant lease negotiation success in major transportation hub.

Case Results

Client Background

Our client, a prominent commercial tenant, sought to lease a newly remodeled space in a significant transportation hub. They required assistance in negotiating a comprehensive, 120-page commercial lease agreement with a national landlord to secure favorable terms and protect their interests.

DaCruz Law Firm’s Approach

  • Analyzed the client’s business requirements and objectives for leasing the commercial space.
  • Reviewed the proposed lease agreement thoroughly to identify potential issues and areas for negotiation.
  • Advised the client on various aspects of the lease, including rent, term, renewal options, tenant improvements, and maintenance responsibilities.
  • Engaged in negotiations with the national landlord’s legal counsel to address the identified issues and achieve favorable terms for the client.
  • Ensured all agreed-upon terms were accurately documented in the final lease agreement, safeguarding the client’s interests.


  • Successfully negotiated a 120-page commercial lease agreement that met the client’s business needs and objectives.
  • Secured favorable rent terms, tenant improvement allowances, and renewal options for the client.
  • Clarified maintenance and repair responsibilities, reducing potential liabilities for the client.
  • Provided the client with a comprehensive understanding of their rights and obligations under the lease agreement.


With DaCruz Law Firm’s expertise in commercial real estate law, the client was able to successfully negotiate and finalize a complex, 120-page lease agreement for a prime location in a major transportation hub.

By thoroughly reviewing the lease terms, engaging in effective negotiations with the national landlord, and ensuring proper documentation of all agreed-upon terms, our firm protected the client’s interests and facilitated a lease that supported their business growth and success.

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*The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

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